航桥国际货运代理有限公司是一间规模较大的中外合资企业,具有CATA一级货代及无船承运人的资格。拥有超过15年的货运代理经验及超过150名专业职员,在中国设有广州/ 深圳/ 厦门/上海/武汉/香港6间公司。丰富的经验,专业的技能及不懈的努力使航桥公司迅速发展。航线资源丰富,与主要国际航空公司和航运公司强有力的长期合作关系,确保了我们能够为客户提供极具竞争力的价格、舱位及量身订造的专属服务。 本公司福利齐全,为员工购买5险1金,工作环境优美, 寻找想挑战自己的您加入我们,共创美好未来。 SGL Logistics Co., Ltd. has over 15years experience in the forwarding industry and now it has six offices in China with 150 skilled staff. Based on its experience, technical know-how and efforts of its teammates. SGL Logistics Co., Limited built up its success rapidly. While for ocean service, it has contracts with NYK,CMA,CGM,COSCO,MAERSK,EVERGREEN etc. Strong business relationships with major international airlines and shipping lines ensure our capability of providing customers with tailor-made service at competitive price.