Seica Electronics(suzhou)Co. Ltd.Seica China was established in 2004.It is the subsidiary of Seica S.p.A. Seica S.p.A is located in Strambino,Italy.Since founded in 1986, Seica has developed a range of products and services that meet the specific testing needs of the electronics manufacturing industry. Since our continuous development,we need you to join us.Seica is a global supplier of automatic test equipment and selective soldering systems, with an installed base of more than 1500 systems on 4 different continents. Seica offers a complete line of proprietary test solutions, and has established strong partenerships with leaders of manufacturing and inspection systems to enlarge the portfolio of solutions across the whole production line. In a time of continuous changes, where globalization challenges competitiveness, Seica drives its strategy with local direct presence in Italy, France, Germany, USA and China, best service and support quality with a local, strong, professional team.1. 我公司以服务为宗旨,公司配备多名专业技术工程师,均去Seica 意大利总公司接受过长时间,多方面的培训,系统的学习过Seica公司所有的测试机器,对机器使用,测试,维修的掌握程度达到总公司专业工程师的相同水平。以达到在尽量短的时间内解决客户出现的任何问题。2. 以演示为中心的售前支持,更好的配合中国大陆及其他亚洲地区的销售,客户可以在此中心看到我们的机器是如何使用,如何实现测试等各方面的功能,可以让客户更好的了解我们产品测试的针对性和多面性,及相比其它公司产品的不同和优点,以便客户更好的选购一款适合自己的机器。3. 对客户进行系统专业的培训。为了让客户在使用我们机器方面不存在任何问题,我们将根据不同客户提供相应的培训(包括如何使用,测试,以及出现问题后的如何解决)。4. 作为产品零部件集散中心,能缩短配件来自意大利所需的服务周期。我们会保证零部件的一定库存,以达到客户什么时候要就什么时候有,以此来保证我们公司出去的任何一台机器都能保持正常运转。5. 在未来,将负责亚洲地区设备的生产组装,以降低成本。但是所有零部件还将从总公司进口,以保证相同质量下的成本减低。随着客户的发展壮大,我们世科电子也将不断进步,成长,完善。以期为客户提供更好的服务。