FULLHOME Real Estate & Relocation Services is one of the top relocation companies in China; we have operated out of five none-affiliated offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen for over ten years.We gained tenant trust and respect by taking care of thousands of expatriate families of different nationalities regarding all housing, immigration, living and related issues, every day we help more people create a cozy home away from home.Presently, a lot of large MNCs, including Fortune 500 companies, choose us as their destination service provider because of our expertise and service quality in this market.The mainly clients include:Siemens, Bosch, Continental, Schaeffler, Nestle, P&G, Evonik, Lanxess, UAES, IFF, Schlumberger, Caterpillar.Also we provide a good working environment and an attractive payment package for an excellent candidate.Any further information, please visit company website: www.fullhomechina.com拥升富恒行房地产经纪&安家服务是国内首屈一指的涉外安家服务公司。我们同时在上海,北京,苏州,广州和深圳营运着五家直属公司。在我们专业的协助及服务下,每年有数千名不同国籍的外国家庭在这里找到了梦想中的住所,完成了繁琐的注册办证流程,熟悉适应并热爱在上海的生活,我们也因此获得了客户的信任及尊重。每一天,我们帮助着更多的外籍人士在远离家乡的地方获得同样舒适安逸的生活。目前,众多世界500强公司因为我们专业知识和服务品质,选择我们成为他们的服务供应商,主要客户包括:西门子,博世,大陆汽车,舍弗勒, 雀巢,宝洁,赢创德固赛,朗盛化学,联合汽车电子,国际香料,斯伦贝谢,卡特彼勒等。我们的团队由一批年轻精干的专业人士组成,为每位员工创造充分展示个人能力的空间,使其发挥个人发展的原动力。同时,公司为其提供了良好的发展空间以及丰厚的报酬。更多信息,请浏览公司网站: www.fullhomechina.com