About ONKYOOnkyo’s story began in 1905 when as a young boy Konosuke Matsushita landed a part time job at the Godai Bicycle Company. Konosuke and his childhood friend Takeshi Godai were very industrious. It is rumored that they pooled the pocket money given to them by Takeshi’s father for cigarettes to negotiate bulk purchases and turn their first profits. Matsushita went on to found what is now known as Panasonic where Takeshi was one of his top engineers. After World War II, Matsushita decided to spin off its audio division. In 1946, Takeshi Godai took advantage of this opportunity to found Osaka Denki Onkyo K.K. This was the birth of Onkyo.Onkyo group’s corporate umbrella includes the Onkyo, Integra, Integra Research, Sotec and Kohjinsha brands. It is publically traded on the JASDAQ stock exchange and divided into a holding company plus three main businesses; AV Products, PC Products, OEM Products (TV/Car/Gaming speakers and electronics).Living Evolution, Making EvolutionIf you are a talented person looking to improve people’s lives through entertainment technology, Onkyo China may be the ideal employer for you. As a 100% subsidiary and an important strategic center for Onkyo Corporation, Onkyo China offers a progressive and exciting workplace. We are always looking for passionate and talented folks to join our team.At Onkyo China we provide employees with comprehensive salary, vacation and benefit packages. We are serious about providing a productive and enjoyable workplace. Benefits may include long-term service leave, flexible work time, paid sick leave, company team building, birthday dinners, sports competitions, short outings, external training, etc. Our goal is for everyone to be productive and proud to work at Onkyo China.安桥的故事始于1905年,当时,一个名叫松下幸之助的小男孩在伍代自行车公司得到了一份兼职工作。松下幸之助和他的儿时好友伍代武(安桥创始人)在那非常努力地工作着。他们将伍代武的父亲让他们帮忙买烟的钱,通过批量采购赚取差价的方式积攒下来,拥有了人生中的第一桶金。随后,松下幸之助就建立了如今闻名世界的松下公司,而伍代武先生则成为其公司最顶尖的工程师之一。第二次世界大战后,松下决定拆分其音响部门。 1946年,伍代武先生抓住此机遇,建立了安桥株式会社大阪电器。由此,安桥诞生了!如今,安桥株式会社旗下拥有安桥,Integra,Integra Research,Sotec和Kohjinsha等众多知名品牌。作为JASDAQ证券交易所上市交易的控股公司,其主营业务横跨了影音产品,电脑产品以及OEM产品(电视/车载/游戏扬声器和电子)等三大领域。前进生活,由你我创造!如果你期望通过娱乐科技改善人类生活,同时你还身手不凡,安桥中国很有可能正是你一直找寻的理想雇主。作为日本安桥株式会社的全资子公司及其全球发展战略的重中之重,安桥中国是一个不断前进的令人兴奋的工作场所。我们一直在寻觅来自各个领域,各个国家的充满激情与天赋的优异人才,加入我们的团队。?在安桥中国,我们为员工提供了完善的薪酬福利体系。我们非常用心地营造一个高效而快乐的工作环境。福利包括长期服务假、弹性工作制、全薪病假,考试假、公司旅游、生日聚会、运动竞赛、郊游,拓展及外部培训等多种人性化政策及丰富多彩的活动。我们的目标是让每一个安桥员工都能高效地工作并以在安桥工作为荣。加入我们,一起释放生活的热情,共同缔造前进的生活与世界!更多精彩内容请访问安桥官方网站及微博:http://www.cn.onkyo.com/http://weibo.com/onkyochina