工作职责: 1、熟悉Amazon的各项政策,负责带领亚马逊营销团队,开展在亚马逊全球各站点(US、UK、DE、FR、IT、ES、JP)的运营工作,包括各类营销方案的策划及实施; 2、制定部门年度、季度、月度计划并组织实施,稳步提高销售业绩,改善店铺转化率; 3、制定产品上架计划,包括上传时间区间和价格区间等; 4、负责销售产品的刊登优化和营销管理; 5、负责Amazon销售团队人员的管理,培训指导和工作安排; 6、负责团队的培训,优化店铺服务,提升用户好评率; 7、负责物流体系的流程管理和物流部门的服务优化,提升公司的服务质量; 8、定期做好销售数据的分析,协助新品调研及开发; 9、负责团队运作绩效考核的拟定和执行; 10、领导交代的其它任务。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,英语CET-6以上水平,具备良好的读写能力; 2、三年以上跨境电商销售经验,一年以上电商团队管理经验;有Amazon相关经验者,带领过团队者优先考虑; 3、有丰富的产品电商销售分析经验,对提高各个产品销售业绩的相关要素能作出分析和判断,并能持续分析和改进销售方法; 4、熟悉Amazon的各项政策,对维护和管理帐号安全有丰富的经验; 5、熟练掌握产品上架规则、技巧及交易流程,扩大交易量的方法和技巧; 6、具有较强的沟通表达能力,且有强烈的客户服务意识,对中差评能技巧性地处理; 工作待遇 1. 7K底薪起,后期浮动底薪+具竞争力的业绩提成+奖金+全勤奖+完善的晋升通道; 2. 公司缴纳五险一金; 3. 国家法定假期; 乘车路线: 上海市闵行区莘庄凯德龙之梦3513室 简历投递及联系邮箱?hr@saberxindustries.com 公司电话 021-54888683 Turbo Marketing Industry CO., Ltd is a professional large-scale company of auto lighting, auto electronic products, integration modify programs resolution of Automobiles and production together. Our main products include Off road LED light bar,Auto HID headlamp, Auto LED Headlights, Auto Daytime running lights, Auto Jump starter, Auto inverter, and auto modification parts products. Up to now , we have got great success on B2C market which hold on the top range on both ebay ,Amazon and other platforms .At the same time , we have our own warehouse in US, Canada and Austrilia which stored large quntity of products there . These measures guarantee our customers will get what they paid at the top speed ! Our parent company was established in 2002 which has many years of history in the one-stop source for the lighting equipments and accessories for the car and vehicle, auto electronic industry. Located in ShangHai city, we enjoy convenient transportation,production and developed capital resources. Our company has continuously tried to improve product quality, introducing German technology and importing advanced core components from United states. Currently, our auto electronic product is already exported to North America, Western Europe, Australia and other countries or regions. Our company has always focused on research, development and innovation, better quality and more function products constant comes into market. Based on the past achievements,We are initiating the second phase of our development strategy.So We hope to cooperate with more talents for mutual development and benefits to the "WIN-WIN". We welcome all of potential "Yous"to contact and participate in us !