主要职责: 1. 负责公司各项经营行为的法务管理标准化,建立和完善公司的各 项管理制度及法律制度; Responsible for standardization of legal management of all business activities of the company, establishing and improving of the legal systems of the company. 2. 为公司提供商务活动所需的法律咨询与支持服务,对公司重大经 营决策提供法律意见,为公司危机处理提供法律援助; Responsible for providing legal consultancy services for company’s business activities, giving legal advice on major business decisions, and offering legal aid for crisis management. 3. 负责公司对内、对外签订的各类合同、协议等法律文件的起草、 审核、评审工作,规避相关法律风险; Responsible for the drafting, checking and review of all kinds of contracts, agreements and other legal documents signed by the company both internally and externally, to avoid related legal risks. 4. 负责为企业内部人员提供业务相关的法律培训; Responsible for internal business related legal training. 5. 负责法律事务事宜与律所对接沟通; Responsible for communicating with law firm on legal affairs. 6. 负责公司的诉讼事务,如劳资纠纷、经济诉讼等其他法律纠纷的 协调及处理; Responsible for the company's litigation affairs, such as coordinating and handling of labor disputes, economic lawsuits and other legal disputes. 7. 负责公司法务方面事宜进行日常维护,如各类法务文件的收集、 整理、归档等; Responsible for routine maintenance of the company's legal affairs, such as collecting, sorting, archiving of all kinds of legal documents. 8. 上级领导交待的其它公司经营行为中涉及法律的工作。 Other legal work related to company’s business required by superior. 关键能力: 1. 本科及以上学历,法律相关专业,并通过国家司法考试; Bachelor degree or above, major in law, and passed the national judicial examination. 2. 熟悉经济法、合同法、公司法、招投标法、劳动合同法等法律法 规及政策; Familiar with economic law, contract law, company law, bidding law, labor contract law and other laws, regulations and policies. 3. 普通话标准、流利,能以英语做为工作语言; Mandarin and English as the working language. 4. 能独立开展合同审查、法律咨询、法律风险管控等相关工作; Being able to independently carry out contract review, legal consulting, legal risk control and other related work. 5. 具备严谨的文字功底和语言表达能力,逻辑思维能力和谈判技巧; With rigorous writing skills, good language expression, logical thinking and negotiation skills. 6. 工作细致认真,具备较强的学习能力、良好的团队合作精神,正 直、诚实、公正; Meticulous and serious work, strong learning ability, teamwork, integrity, honesty and fairness.
FFT集团 FFT集团成立于1974年,总部位于德国富尔达,拥有超过1100人的专业工程师。 FFT于2004年进军中国市场,成立爱孚迪 (上海) 制造系统工程有限公司,坐落于上海著名的“安亭汽车城”,迄今为止我们已经有超过300名的专业工程师。 FFT根据客户需求,提供白车身整线系统的交钥匙服务,包括项目管理,规划、设计、仿真,工厂实现启用,小型量产和启动支持,质量保证和售后服务。FFT同时也提供系统解决方案和产品,包括机器人包边,图像处理,激光技术,涂胶和填充技术以及焊接和接缝技术。 The FFT Group, whose head office was founded in Fulda, Germany in1974, has more than 1100 professional engineers all over the world. FFT entered the Chinese market in 2004 and established FFT Production Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., which is located in the famous Anting Automobile City. Until now FFT Shanghai has more than 300 professional engineers. According to the requirements of our customers, FFT offers turn-key service for the design and supply of complete systems for body in white and assembly plants. The service range includes project management, planning, design, simulation, plant implementation, pilot series and launch support, quality assurance and after sales service. FFT also offers system solutions and products, including roller hemming, image processing, laser technology, gluing and filling technology and welding and joining technology.