FFT集团 FFT集团成立于1974年,总部位于德国富尔达,拥有超过1100人的专业工程师。 FFT于2004年进军中国市场,成立爱孚迪 (上海) 制造系统工程有限公司,坐落于上海著名的“安亭汽车城”,迄今为止我们已经有超过300名的专业工程师。 FFT根据客户需求,提供白车身整线系统的交钥匙服务,包括项目管理,规划、设计、仿真,工厂实现启用,小型量产和启动支持,质量保证和售后服务。FFT同时也提供系统解决方案和产品,包括机器人包边,图像处理,激光技术,涂胶和填充技术以及焊接和接缝技术。 The FFT Group, whose head office was founded in Fulda, Germany in1974, has more than 1100 professional engineers all over the world. FFT entered the Chinese market in 2004 and established FFT Production Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., which is located in the famous Anting Automobile City. Until now FFT Shanghai has more than 300 professional engineers. According to the requirements of our customers, FFT offers turn-key service for the design and supply of complete systems for body in white and assembly plants. The service range includes project management, planning, design, simulation, plant implementation, pilot series and launch support, quality assurance and after sales service. FFT also offers system solutions and products, including roller hemming, image processing, laser technology, gluing and filling technology and welding and joining technology.