将国内的网红经济推广到海外市场,我们是第一家。手握上千海外大V,我们的目标就是将MODE打造成线上时装周-时尚网红社区。目前公司已经完成了A轮投资,并吸引了一批来自互联网、时尚等领域的,具有国际化职业和教育背景的精英。他们有来自MIT、清华、纽约大学的高材生,之前分别在电商、互联网金融、时尚领域工作多年。 如果你对互联网情有独钟,如果你有着“极客”风范,如果你对时尚有着独到的见解,就请加入我们这个年轻富有创造力的团队吧~??叶道所有成员诚挚邀请您一齐玩转互联网颠覆式创新!?ABOUT USWhatsMode is the leading online platform for influencer brands where you can discover a world of specially-made attire created by bloggers and vloggers you love. We started out with a basic idea - instead of following cookie-cutter trends, we believe fashion thrives on individuality, and brands are statements of community and cultural connection. With WhatsMode, influencers use their individual aesthetics and community interactions to breathe life into the fashions they create and bring their exclusive merchandise right into your wardrobe. Your voice has inspired them to tailor each product to your taste, with constantly updated collections to match your suggestions and feedback.? From apparel and accessories to beauty and lifestyle, WhatsMode has thousands of collections for you to choose from. Don’t let corporates decide your style. Join the movement and take power back into your own hands!