岗位描述: 1. 熟悉欧美时装品 牌风格设计、用料及做工细节;根据客户定位,完成(毛织品类)设计; 2. 根据欧美时装流行趋势,对各国品牌进行市场调查和分析; 3. 制定季度设计主题;针对不同客户品牌特性,融入国际时装趋势,开发毛料及设计适合的针织产品; 4. 规划及执行样办设计、制作时间表; 5. 与工厂协调,独立完成样办跟进过程及批办; 6. 参与国内、外的客户或展览会展示设计产品; 7. 负责对公司内、外单位进行毛衫设计的相关培训. 任职要求: 1. 毛织设计专业毕 业,5年以上设计(针织毛衫、羊绒衫)工作经验。 通晓毛织品类设计开发全过程,熟悉纱线性能、生产制作流程、 工艺标准; 2. 需有外贸单设计开发及毛纱开发经验; 3. 熟悉STOLL计算机织机操作、画花逻辑者优先; 4. 具备绘画基础,熟悉操作PS、CorelDRAW等设计软件,能制作效果图、款式图、工艺单; 5. 能独立完成设计工作,有敏锐的时尚触觉,并熟知针织服装市场。 6.英语水平4级或以上 面试须知:1.身份证,2.毕业证,3.作品集(Portfolio) 工作地点:在家工作(视乎工作密度需到珠海斗门工场跟进工作,珠海范围内有专车接送往工场) Fulltime/Contract Sweater Designer Responsibilities: 1. Act as fashion authority to drive brand designs and point of view. 2. Design heavy-knit garments according to the design concepts of European and US market and discover new materials and knitting techniques. 3. Manage and develop an efficient and effective design team through performance feedback, goal-setting and development plans. 4. Prioritize workload according to presentation and sales needs. 5. Communicate with the sales and merchandising team, production team, and technicians to ensure efficient production. 6. Carry out seasonal design trainings for the sales, merchandising, and production teams. Qualifications: 1. Degree in Fashion Design. 2. Minimum 5 years experience in fashion design industry. 3. Ability to handle high volume of styles. 4. Ability to think strategically and deliver the right level of detail appropriate to the audience. 5. Clear and effective written and verbal communication and strong interpersonal skills. 6. Proficiency in MS Office suite and Adobe CS. 7. Ability to work independently or as a team. 8. Strong time management and multi-tasking skill. Location: Home Base (Need to travel to factory in Zhuhai according to workload) Attractive salary+bonus(depends on fulltime or contract).