Participate in orchestrating the employee communications plan and ensure activities to serve the overarching communications and business goals. Build and maintain effective working relationships with cross-functions and divisions to advance communications agenda. Create synergy of employee communication to support the business goals of Bayer in China by increasing interactions and strategic content planning and boost effectiveness. Evaluate, develop and upgrade employee communication tools/platforms, methods and best practices to further enhance the effectiveness and diversity of internal communication. Manage key tools, through BayerNet 2.0 to inform, educate and gather feedback, and ensure that they are updated promptly. And manage the Communications public e-mail account to make sure the efficient use of the account. Implement the employee communication projects that build up the Bayer brand and pride among employees in China, empowering and motivating employees through proactive communication. Such as plan and implement staff events, such as Bayer China Townhall, Lunch & Learn, Roundtable, Annual Gala. Develop Bayer China Volunteer Association strategy, responsible in developing and implement related projects to enhance employee engagement and build Bayer's success through identified activities. Coordinate localization and distribution of the collaterals generated by global corporate campaigns. Ensure effective and transparent delivery of change communications, organizational updates and business performance.
A minimum of five years' experience in working in communications counsel and planning or comparable area, with an understanding of internal communications and Public Relations. BA / BS degree in a related field or knowledge of the communications sector preferred. Excellent writing skills, demonstrating ability to interpret information to reach the widest of audiences. Good organizing ability to coordinate activities and communications means across different locations in the country and within different parts of the organization. Languages: Chinese native speaker, fluent in English. Extensive writing, editing, PowerPoint and Excel skills required; working knowledge of Web-based communication tools, etc. helpful. Proactively working attitude, understand individual business division needs and achieve maximum cross functional alignment. Ability and willingness to respond to ad-hoc requests that may Having interpersonal abilities and able to work with a team Having competent project management skills and able to prioritize projects and tasks.
拜耳是一家世界级创新型企业,核心能力集中在医药保健和农业领域。公司总部位于德国勒沃库森,全球拥有超过11万名员工,几乎每个国家都遍布着拜耳的身影。2016年,拜耳的销售额达到468亿欧元,在世界500强排行榜中名列第165位。拜耳公司于1863年创立,迄今已有150多年的历史。1897年阿司匹林诞生于拜耳公司的实验室,被人们称为“世纪之药”。 “敢想,勇为”(Passion to innovate, Power to change)是拜耳的雇主品牌宣言,它描述了拜耳的企业文化和我们对现有和未来员工的期望,以及公司为员工发展提供的可能性。拜耳于1882年首次进入中国市场,目前在大中华区(中国大陆、中国香港和中国台湾)拥有一万余名员工,2016年的销售额超过26.7亿欧元,已成为拜耳集团在全球的第三大市场。拜耳大中华区的业务集中于三个事业部:处方药、健康消费品和作物科学,均在各自的市场中占据领先地位。拜耳处方药事业部的中国总部位于北京,在北京和广州设有研发中心和工厂,专注于心血管、肿瘤、妇科、血液和眼科等治疗领域。拜耳健康消费品事业部的中国总部位于上海,在启东和昆明均设有工厂。在相继收购罗氏非处方药业务、默克全球保健消费品业务和滇虹药业集团之后,拜耳在中国OTC外企排名升至第一,旗下的爱乐维、力度伸、达喜、开瑞坦、确美同、白加黑、丹莪妇康、艾洛松、凯妮汀等品牌更是耳熟能详。拜耳作物科学事业部的中国总部位于北京,生产基地在杭州。拜耳希望通过环境保护和农业生产力的可持续增长,确保全球粮食安全。更多信息,欢迎访问官方网站关于冒用我公司名义进行虚假招聘的声明敬启者:近期,一些不法分子冒用“拜耳(中国)有限公司”(“本公司”)名义,以在部分网站上发布虚假招聘信息,提供虚假的联系电话和联系人等方式进行行骗,严重侵害了本公司和广大应聘者的合法权益。为防止应聘者受到财产损失甚至人身伤害,维护本公司名誉,本公司郑重声明如下:1.本公司及所属关联公司对外招聘,均通过本公司官方网站( 及经本公司合法委托的猎头公司等正规渠道发布信息。请各位应聘者切勿轻信以其它方式发布(发送)的面试、试用或录用通知。2.本公司对外招聘,应聘者必须先经人力资源部组织的面试,从未存在不经面试直接让应聘者报到的情况;也未要求应聘者缴纳包括并不限于体检费、押金、保证金、培训费等在内的任何费用。3.应聘者如遇有不法分子冒用本公司或关联公司名义发布招聘信息,或对招聘信息有任何疑问,请及时向本公司公布的正式邮件进行咨询、辨别、举报,谨防受骗。4.涉嫌违规网站和冒用本公司名称的单位或个人应立即停止一切侵权行为及非法活动,本公司将保留依法追究其法律责任的权利。?联系邮件