学校以国际化和高素质全人教育为特色,让孩子们在快乐中学习和成长。学制为十二年一贯制学历教育,小学五年,初中四年,高中三年。所有的课程均由以中文和英文为母语的教师教授。学校与国际和国内各知名学校紧密合作,并得到他们的积极支持,这些学校包括:英国伊顿公学(Eton College),英国牛津龙小学(Dragon School),香港汉基国际学校(Chinese International School)。学校欢迎来自中国和世界各地的学生。
The YK Pao School is an unique new school founded in memory of Sir Yue-Kong Pao, a renowned businessman, statesman and philanthropist. The School offers an education rooted in Chinese culture yet integrated with an international approach and perspective, to allow students to continue studies at top universities around the world. Our goal is to develop creative, independent and responsible students through a student-centred approach to teaching, emphasizing arts, sports, group activities and community service as well as academic studies. We plan to offer full primary and secondary education, comprising five years at