工作地点:长宁武定校区 主要工作职责 Key Responsibilities: 1. 教与学 Teaching and Learning ? Carry out and support daily teaching and learning activities in the appointed class as required by assigned teacher. 协助指定教师,按其要求在约定的教室实施、支持日常教学活动 ? Communicate effectively with assigned teacher. 与指定教师有效沟通 ? Reteach small groups or whole class where necessary or appropriate. 在必要时或者合适的时间,给全班学生或小部分学生再上课 ? Cooperate with assigned teacher to assist with classroom behaviour management 与指定教师合作,协助管理学生的课堂行为秩序 ? Confidently use English during lesson’s to support learning. 在课上能够自信地运用英语进行教学 2. 有效的教学策略 Effective Teaching Strategies ? Have a thorough understanding of the purpose and aims of YKPS Curriculum. 对包玉刚实验学校的课程目标和目的有完整的认识 ? Establish a classroom environment where students feel secure and are comfortable to take risks. 营造一种让学生能够无虑、舒适地接受挑战的课堂氛围 ? Ensure that classroom/school resources are well managed. 确保教室、学校的资源得到有效管理 ? Standards of acceptable behaviour are clearly stated and consistently and fairly applied. 为可接受的行为制定清晰的标准,并能持续、公平地实施 ? Ensure that all students are treated equitably with respect and dignity. 确保每位学生都能被平等对待,有尊严并受到尊重 3. 和学生的联系 Connections with Students ? Establish a rapport which enhances learning. 和学生建立一种能促进教学的融洽关系 ? Ensure that the classroom is an attractive orderly place where equipment/resources are well managed. 确保教室里的设备、资源得到有效管理,是一个充满吸引力并有秩序的场所。 4. 关系管理 Relationship management ? To work co-operatively and supportively with other staff. 和其他员工合作、互助 ? To share information, ideas and resources with colleagues. 和同事分享资讯、想法和资源 5. 行政职能 Administrative Function ? Fulfill the administrative functions of the class e.g. photocopying, data collection and input, preparation of classroom materials 履行课堂的行政职能,如复印、数据资料的采集和输入,课堂材料的制备 ? Communicate and support teachers with parent/caregivers regarding student progress when advised by teacher. 在老师的建议下,协助教师与父母、照顾者等沟通有关学生进步的事宜 6. 非课堂生活里对学校的贡献 Contribution to non-classroom life of the school ? Support the school’s image in the community. 在社区中维护学校的形象 ? Support policies and procedures currently in place. 支持当前的政策和办事流程 职位要求: 1. 相关学科或教育学专业;有相似工作经验或有任教经验者优先; 2. 具有良好英语能力的双语者; 3. 有接受新概念和工作方法的开放思维; 4. 良好的团队合作者;良好的沟通能力; 5 .热心教育并希望成为一名优秀的教育工作者。
学校以国际化和高素质全人教育为特色,让孩子们在快乐中学习和成长。学制为十二年一贯制学历教育,小学五年,初中四年,高中三年。所有的课程均由以中文和英文为母语的教师教授。学校与国际和国内各知名学校紧密合作,并得到他们的积极支持,这些学校包括:英国伊顿公学(Eton College),英国牛津龙小学(Dragon School),香港汉基国际学校(Chinese International School)。学校欢迎来自中国和世界各地的学生。
The YK Pao School is an unique new school founded in memory of Sir Yue-Kong Pao, a renowned businessman, statesman and philanthropist. The School offers an education rooted in Chinese culture yet integrated with an international approach and perspective, to allow students to continue studies at top universities around the world. Our goal is to develop creative, independent and responsible students through a student-centred approach to teaching, emphasizing arts, sports, group activities and community service as well as academic studies. We plan to offer full primary and secondary education, comprising five years at