岗位描述:Job description:负责协助中国地区线上市场项目的开发和执行工作,注重挖掘潜在客户,执行和管理每月的网络广告投放You will be responsible for supporting the development and execution of the digital marketing program in China. Your main role is to implement and manage monthly internet marketing programs focusing on leads generation.职责包括:Responsibilities Include:? 负责网络投放效果的实时追踪、优化,注重团队发展.? Manage promotion projects daily, weekly, and monthly focusing on team target achievement.? 与设计团队保持联系,提高广告投放的反馈度以增加潜在客户? Work with design team to execute highly effective direct response programs to significantly increase leads generation.? 分析报告项目情况,提供优化方案和新项目的建议. Analyze and report program performance; provide results and recommendations for improvement and new programs.? 优化投放效果,将预算使用最优化. Improve program results and increase the impact of online marketing on revenue and profitability.? 负责新媒体的开发和采购, 用以吸引更多潜在客户.? Be responsible of new media development and buying to attract more potential leads.任职要求:Job requirements:? 本科及以上学历,商科、市场营销、公关等相关专业优先.? Bachelors degree in business, marketing, communication or related field.? 具备良好的文案功底,善于利用活动主题或广告语突出产品卖点.? Be able to write good copy. Highlighting unique selling points, campaign types and slogans.? 精通Excel、Salesforce、Omniture等工具者优先考虑。? Proficient in Excel, Salesforce, Omniture is beneficial.? 拥有良好的人际沟通能力,能够与国内外合作商建立并保持长久而良好的合作关系。? Excellent communication skills with the ability to effectively interact with related co-workers and vendors, ability to build and maintain strong relationships with both internal and external partners.? 具有互联网思维,学习能力强,抗压能力强。? Digital thinking, strong self-learning ability, able to deliver results under pressure.? 两年以上相关工作经验, 尤其熟悉新媒体及媒体的发展,包括把控线上活动,分析媒体效果,挖掘潜在客户的营销经验优先考虑。? At least 2 years related working experience, especially familiar with new media and media development, including measurement of online campaigns, as well as the ability to analyze media performance. Marketing experience on leads generation is preferred.额外的要求:Additional requirements:? 熟悉搜索引擎、RTB、社区媒体等多种推广营销平台规则,了解网站SEO优化,社区媒体优化规则;? Familiar with SE, RTB, social media and other marketing platform, understand SEO optimization, social media optimization rules;? 有良好的数据分析能力及一定的文案、设计功底,可独立完成网站推广策划与相关客户维护方案的撰写;? Good data analysis skill, copywriting and design skills, and able to independently work on the website promotion planning and related customer maintenance program;? 关注互联网的发展趋势,了解HTML5、LBS、UI等网络技术,结合其进行营销。? Follow the development trend of the Internet, understand the web technologies, like HTML5, LBS, and UI, and able to use them for marketing? 有丰富的竞价广告理论知识和操作经验,熟悉竞价广告投放模式和媒体特征,深谙各种账户结构优化、推广成本控制等技巧;? With theoretical knowledge and experience in bidding advertising, familiar with the advertising mode and media features of competitive bidding, familiar with various account structure optimization and promotion cost control techniques;? 有较强的数据敏感度和营销嗅觉,具备良好的逻辑分析、文字表达、沟通协调能力,能独立完成竞价广告数据分析报告;? Strong data sensitivity and marketing sense, good logic analysis, verbal expression, communication and coordination ability, able to complete the bidding advertising data analysis report independently? 有微信广告、广点通、智慧推、粉丝通、信息流广告或各种展示类广告工作经验者优先考虑。? Has experiences with wechat, guangdiantong, zhihuitui,fengsitong, xingxiliu advertisement or other advertising channel would be a plus有意者请注明应聘城市和职位并发送相关简历至邮箱:hr@fivestarsports.cn ,多谢