北京汉艺煌景泰蓝工艺品有限公司 ? ? 北京汉艺煌景泰蓝工艺品有限公司始创于1973年;技术力量雄厚,艺术风格独特,工艺精致细腻,是京城规模最大、品种最多、最为知名的景泰蓝专业制作供应商。三十多年来,公司以时不我待、勇于创新的进取精神和科学严格的管理理念,聚集与培养了一大批国家级、市级工艺美术大师和专业技术人才,传承与创作了大量的景泰蓝佳品,多次荣获行业金奖。公司独创的"九龙壁"等景泰蓝产品荣登国宾礼品高雅之堂;自行设计制作的景雕结合产品"五龙瓶"、青花系列等受到国内外客商的广泛赞誉和喜爱。2008年4月,为了传播中国传统文化、增进中加两国关系,公司向汤加国王赠送了金奖产品"汉煌如意炉"。??公司现已成为行业的领军企业。公司注册的"京景"品牌已荣获北京著名商标。 "京景"景泰蓝继承和发展了明清两代优秀的传统技艺,形成了古朴与时尚结合、传统与现代交融,典雅与流行辉映的新一代景泰蓝产品系列。公司在北京市燕莎商城、北京工艺美术大厦、北京市百货大楼等多家知名商场和天津、大连等地设立了数十个专卖店和产品专柜,在全国各地建立了分销批发业务网点,产品还畅销于东南亚、非洲及欧美等市场。??为使景泰蓝世代相传,公司以传承与发展景泰蓝艺术为使命,用精湛工艺塑造精良品质,用精诚之心创作经典作品,用精益精神完善不断创新,使景泰蓝在中华大地传承,为世界文化添彩。 Beijing Hanyihuang Cloisonne Wares Co., Ltd ? Beijing Hanyihuang Cloisonne Wares Co., Ltd was established in 1973.For its powerful technique, original artistic style and skillful craftsmanship, it is the top professional manufacturer of cloisonné on size、variety and popularity. For more than thirty years, lead by the enterprising and innovative spirit and scientific management, the enterprise has taken on and nurtured a group of state and municipal level art masters and senior professional technicians , developed and created numerous exquisite products, won golden prize in cloisonné for many times. Its original creation like the "nine dragon wall" were used as present for state guest; the "five dragon bottle" and Qinghua series won universal admiration among customers in and out of china. In April,2008, the company sent product "Hanhuang ruyilu" to the emperor of Tonga to publicize traditional Chinese culture and strengthen the relationship between China and Tonga. ? The company leads the market in cloisonné field, its registered trade mark "Jingjing" is reward as Beijing famous brand name. Inheriting and developing traditional craftsmanship of both Ming and Qing dynasty, Jingjing has formed a new generation of products combining primitive simplicity with vogue, tradition with modernization, elegance with fashion. The company has set special product counters in about a dozen of shopping cities in Beijing 、Tianjin and Dalian, such as Beijing Lufthansa center, Beijing Arts Building, and has found wholesale center all over the nation. Meanwhile it also has a well-selling market in South East Asia, Africa and Europe.? Aim to run cloisonné in generations and enrich the world's culture, the company commits itself to developing and spreading this art, to forging exquisite quality, creating and perfecting classic work with a sincere heart.