OneWay was founded in September 2015. All founding team members are from Chinese top internet companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent with rich experience in Chinese domestic and overseas mobile internet advertising businese. It is company's goal to build the first one-stop mobile video traffic platform in China and provide professional service and high quality mobile traffic to advertisers globally.??虽说只是初创业,不画大饼忽悠人??实实在在来谈薪,少点套路多真诚??餐补零食样样有,年终竟然发美金??年假一放十几天,每逢佳节胖三斤??十点上班不加班,关键周末还双休??交通极其地便利,就在华师地铁口??员工的确很年轻,大多都是单身狗??老板逼格实在高,团队水平也不错??半年就开分公司,业务财报很健康??虚位以待求大牛,盼君早日来相会电话 020-32200082人事邮箱