1、有流程管理或ERP系统相关系统或模块开发经验;2、熟练运用Visual Basic语言编程者优先;3、熟悉.net框架和开发环境,理解OOP开发思想;4、熟悉C#、ASP.NET、MVC、Win Form、Java等其中一门或几门,熟悉主流前后台开发技术,熟悉B/S、C/S架构;5、熟悉网页前端开发HTML、CSS、PHP等常用技术6、熟悉数据库相关知识,能够熟练应用SQL Server数据库进行开发;7、具有良好规范的文档和编程习惯,能承受较强的工作压力,热衷于不断研究和学习***,理解能力强,能根据项目需求准确完成交付的开发任务。职位要求:1、本科以上学历,计算机及相关专业;2、了解应用开发框架和前端开发技术;3、了解大型数据库管理系统(MS SQL SERVER、Oracle或其它);4、具备良好的团队工作合作精神,学习能力强,能承担一定的工作压力;5、英语水平良好,能顺利阅读技术资料。6、重庆本地大学生优先。7、在校大学生优先(可在学校做项目,必要时到企业实地讨论调研)Business/Leadership Internship/Trainee RotationAre you looking to jump start your career in Nexteer? Are you early in a journey searching for what you are intrigued and are born to excel? Then, this leadership development rotation is just right for you.Rotation is custom designed to provide you broad exposure and diverse development inchallenging working environment. You will:- Systematically develop your leadership and decision-making skills- Benefit from the in-depth guidance of an experienced mentor and senior executives- Build a broad network within the company- Help design the program in line with your own individual interestsThrough this rotation, you will lead 2 cross-functional projects (3 months each) championed by executive with help from peer mentors. Some example projects are:- Business process mapping and Innovation- Market analysis and competitive benchmarking- IT system planning- Cost ModellingYou need to demonstrate abilities and characteristics that are critical for success: Are you a leader? Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset? Are you innovative? Do you have a global mindset? And we also require:- Excellent verbal and written communication skills- Technical or business degree with 90 percentile grades from selected universities- One completed internship or 6-month full time working experience in your field of study