Gina十分喜爱聪明伶俐的shamman,但是她从不带她来上班,不过她会用同样的热情和诚意去完成每一项工作,会用心去关爱客人和同事, 我们正在努力寻找像Gina这样的员工。 Gina loves shamman very much who is clever and sensible, but he never working with her, he will pay attention to everything with enthusiasm and sincerity; and will taking care of our customers and team members; we are looking for new hire as Gina. “第一村温泉大酒店”有着一支高星级的管理团队所带领,并聘请锦江饭店管理有限公司全程顾问,我们将给你专业化、科学化、规范化的管理理念,并且为你提供完善的培训机制和晋升机制以及展现自我的平台。 Our management team has high standard and international hotel working experience, we are cooperate with Jinjiang hotel management for consultant; we will provide professionalism、scientization and standardized managing concept, and we have faultless training and promotion mechanism and career development opportunity. “第一村温泉大酒店”位于花水湾景观区的核心位置,酒店规模三万余平方米;酒店按照五星级标准配置,拥有各类房型380套,20余个温泉池组成的立体温泉群,宏伟的宴会厅可容纳1000人同时用餐,会议中心设有6间会议室与1间贵宾接待室,可同时容纳1000人会议。 “The First Village Hot Spring Hotel” has located in the scenic area of Huashui Bay, the scale what are more than 20000 square meters; it is the five-star hotel standard and have 380 rooms and 20 hot spring ponds. We can accommodate 1000 people dining at the same time in our ballroom, 6 meeting rooms and 1 VIP reception room at conference center. 酒店即将开业,现面向社会招聘以下人员,我们将为您提供具有竞争力的待遇水平和广阔的发展空间,期待您的加入! Now, hotel will be opening soon, we will recruit team members like Gina join with us, we also provide munificent salary and benefits and career development opportunity, and we are looking forward to joining our team and growing up with us. 福利待遇:底薪+绩效+社保+带薪假+培训+意外保险+完善竞升空 Benefits: Basic salary + Performance + Insurance + Paid leave + Training + Promotion opportunity 我们的企业理念:“成就快乐,分享健康” Our Philosophy: “Successful and Happiness, Sharing Health” 我们的企业宗旨:“尽我所能,想您所想” Our Vision: “Do as I can do, Think what you think” 联系方式Contacts:座机Tel:028-88391039; 邮箱
联系地址:四川成都大邑花水湾温泉南街138号 Address: No.138 Southern Hot Spring Street Hushi Bay Dayi. Sichuan P.R.C 公司网站: 地 址:四川省成都市大邑县花水湾温泉南街138号 具体位置 发送到手机 邮政编码:611345