Trans Logistics International (China) Ltd is expanding our services rapidly. We have over 20 years experience in the logistics industry. Starting up from 2007, now we have our own offices in Shenzhen, Hong Kong,Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhongshan,Chengdu and Chongqing . That thanks to the support and satisfaction from our customers. Our Shenzhen office manages the South China areas. The Shanghai office manages traffic related to the North / East China. Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Taiwan are managed by Hong Kong office. We have our agency network covering Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India and Emirates. We are serving customers with regular traffic by air and sea services to and from Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan connecting North / Central / South Amercia countries such as USA and Canada; European countries such as UK, Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. We are expanding our coverage of network, and more service will be available. 成长空间 公司目前已在香港、上海、广州、深圳、东莞、中山、重庆、成都设立分公司及办事处,全国及海外的事业平台已铺展,给你足够的成长空间! 良好团队氛围 深圳公司位于交通便利的罗湖区, 提供良好的工作环境和氛围. 公司团队由一群认真做事、踏实肯干、真诚务实的年轻人组成。每个人都是团队不可缺少的一份子,团队成员交流通畅、快乐、真诚! 福利 完善的绩效考核制度,帮助大家找到工作中的缺失并及时进行改善; 五天八小时工作制,各种假期严格按照国家法规休假及有薪年假; 不定期举办聚餐、旅游等各种员工活动,享受快乐工作、快乐生活; 公司提供良好福利与发展空间,欢迎具有国际货代行业一年以上工作经验者加盟. 有意者请将个人简历投递至邮箱 联系人:崔小姐 联系电话:0755-82226861-819 Web: