Responsibilities:· ERP system (U8) support and reporting improvements· SQL Integration Services· SQL Reporting Services· SQL data server· Software development for U8 extension· Liaising with external suppliers for hardware/software support (procurement and maintenance)· Sourcing new IT suppliers and partners as and when required· Benchmark existing business processes and suggest IT supported solutions· Optimization and lean process implementations* ERP系统(用友U8)的实施,完善. * 处理和反馈用户的意见和建议. * 业务需求调研、分析、制定方案. * 与业务部门保持有效沟通,解决用户提出的系统疑难问题. * 对公司信息化建设部署策略提出方案,并进行实施和管理.Requirements: Good written and spoken English, good communication skills Degree in Computer Engineering or similar educational back ground Microsoft .NET framework, Visual Studio, C#, VisualBasic Min. 3-5 years experience in related industry Commercial acumen / education on top is preferred Established network in IT industry Outgoing personality with high energy and self motivation (self driven) Able to work under pressure in a flexible and fast changing environment Able to work independent with a cross functional IT team with base in and * 熟悉财务操作流程,AP,AR,成本核算,资产管理和GL过程。 * 熟悉供应链,熟悉销售型企业业务流程,有制造型企业工作经验更佳。 * 在应用开发方面能熟练使用SQL。有计算机编程,网络基础设施及数据通信方面的知识。 * 最好有项目管理和企业资产管理工作经验。 * 计算机科学或财务相关专业,本科或以上学历。 * 良好的沟通技巧,流利的英语口语和写作能力。 * 至少3-5年工业制造业ERP软件工作的实施和应用经验。
igus, a leading international producer of E-energy chains, flexible cable and polymer bearings! igus, a global company with 35 subsidiaries throughout the world, headquarter in German and launched in 1964. Mainly manufactures high performance polymer machinery components for the industry – especially sectors working with automation and modern machinery. igus China was founded in 1999 and is in charge of all the relevant business in mainland China. She has more than 12 branches in different cities and always keeps rapid developing ever since. We are looking for passionate and entrepreneur-minded people who believe in innovation and service and who are ready to challenge themselves following our favorite saying “Give me your most difficult problem, I will solve it”. igus,世界知名的拖链、高柔性电缆以及工程塑料轴承的制造商!公司致力于生产高品质的工程塑料配件——主要应用于现代机械制造业等领域,产品因其良好的性能而在全球的专业领域内颇具影响。 igus始创于1964年,总部位于德国科隆,分子公司遍布世界各地。公司自创立以来,从没有停止过创新的脚步。为满足不同客户的个性化需求,平均每年推出近2000个型号的新产品,现产品型号高达几万种。几十年的不断努力,使得公司在拖链、高柔性电缆和工程塑料轴承领域处于世界领先水平,成为当今世界拖链系统最著名的制造商,以及高性能工程塑料滑动轴承的研究者、开发商和生产商。 经过近50年的迅速发展,igus的业务领域已遍布全球。迄今为止,在瑞典、日本、美国、中国、英国、法国等三十几个国家设立了分子公司。 “igus中国”系德国igus在华全资子公司,成立于1999年,总部位于上海,业务遍布全国,在北京、广州、西安、沈阳、济南、青岛、成都、大连、无锡等大中城市均设有分支机构。公司在上海外高桥保税区拥有近万平米的保税仓储车间。 “igus中国”全面负责拖链、电缆和轴承产品在中国地区的加工、销售和技术服务工作,旨在将德国最先进的革新技术带到中国。 公司正出于迅速发展的阶段,我们希望热情、勤奋,勇于挑战自我的优秀员工继续加入到我们的团队中来!一经录用,公司将提供健全、优厚的薪资福利待遇和广阔的发展空间!