TOUCHDOWN拓达教育创立于2005年,是一家专注于商科硕士申请及职业发展的国际教育咨询公司。自创立以来,我们一直以提升客户整体职业竞争力为导向,为18至25岁的同学及职场新人提供商科硕士申请、海外实习项目、求职的专业服务。多年来,我们凭借对海外院校及就业市场深入而独到的分析研究,始终走在全球商科申请咨询及职业规划的前列,并在2015年中信银行联合尼尔森发布的《出国留学中介评价指数白皮书》的商科榜单中被评为全国前五。Founded in 2005, Touchdown Education is a highly regarded international educational firm in China with a strong focus on graduate school planning and career development. We provide graduate business school admission counselling, overseas internship program, and job placement services. In November 2015, CITIC Bank and The Nielsen Company rated Touchdown Education among the best five companies in the business school admission counselling from among thousands of other education companies in China.如果你希望在一个国际化,充满活力的团队中工作,如果你喜欢挑战自己,在短时间内让自己的能力和价值得到发挥,请加入我们吧!If you want to be part of an international and energetic team, and challenge yourself to unleash your full potential, then join the Touchdown team!工作地点:北京海淀区中关村大街19号新中关大厦B座南翼1508工作地址:上海市黄浦区兴业路123弄5号楼-裸心社(新天地店)公众微信账号: TDliuxue电话: 010-8447-7020 x218 (HR)网址:视频:邮箱: