Toshiba Tec Information Systems (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd. is the one of the leading IT companies in China, which manufactures and distributes digital multifunctional systems (copy, print, scan, internet mail, filing and other document management solutions) throughout China. You will work at its China Business Headquarters is fully responsible for sales, marketing and services in all of China. 因业务扩展,东芝泰格信息系统(深圳)有限公司中国事业总部诚聘所述人员加盟。有意者请将您的中英/日文简历(含详细联系方法)、学历证书及身份证复印件,期望薪金等完整资料寄至本公司——东芝泰格信息系统(深圳)有限公司 中国事业总部 人事课(收) 注意:请在来信和邮件上注明应聘职位的名称 谢绝来电来访,非中介不收费。 公司网站: 地 址:上海市长乐路989号世纪商贸广场8楼 具体位置 发送到手机 邮政编码:200031