比瑞科技(深圳)有限公司是成立于2006年,是一家由德国人投资的外商独资企业同时也是***高新企业,专业从事电池组、充电器、BMS板的设计、生产、销售的公司,拥有自己的电子设计团队和结构设计团队,实现"中国制造、欧洲品质"的承诺。 公司拥有一批经验丰富的设计、品质和生产团队。设计和生产的产品包括: E-BIKE 电池组,电动工具电池、吸尘器电池、应急照明电池、报警系统电池、医疗仪器电池、通讯设备电池、包含无绳电话电池、数码相机电池、笔记本电脑电池、便携式DVD电池等等。 目前BMZ中国生产的产品全部出口到欧美。公司提供塑胶件、五金件、电子线路板以及成品的全套服务,完成从工程样板、设计、组装生产和测试的全套服务。 我们的质量目标:追求产品零缺陷,精益求精,客户满意。 企业价值观:以人为本,诚信务实,改善创新,创造价值。 We are an european company which is invested by Germany and manufacturer of battery packer and charger in Shenzhen China, our factory set up in 2006.Our major products are custom battery and custom charger for OEM and ODM customer. We have a strong team who are full of experience in battery and charger design, quality control and production. Our battery and chargers for applications such as : E-BIKE, power tool, garden tool, vacuum cleaners,lighting, alarm system, medical equipment, communications system, etc. We can provide plastic case, metals parts, BMS and finished batttery pack etc, means the complete service we can provide to you from engineering samples, design, production and finished goods testing. 待遇:优秀,周末双休,公司为员工办理五险一金,并享有年终奖、年休假、婚假、产假等等。