Grey was first founded in the States in 1917, headquartered in New York. Nowadays Grey is a global network covering 88 countries with 560 0ffices and a staff of over 11,000. Grey joined as a member of the world’s largest communication group WPP in Mar 8th 2005.GREY started operating in China since 1992, now with around 300 staffs in three offices - Beijing, Shanghai & Hong Kong. Grey China became 100% solely owned by Grey Group in August 2007.Major Clients of Grey China include: GSK, Silk, Bose, Volvo, P&G, HSBC, Shiseido, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Uni-President, Mengniu and Tencent.GREY于1917年成立于美国,全球88个国家拥有560个分公司,超过11,000名员工。GREY于1992年开始本土运作,在北京、上海和香港设立了分公司,员工人数达300名。2005年3月8日GREY加入世界上最大的传播集团WPP。2007年8月,GREY成立百分之百的外资公司,中文名称由精信改为葛瑞。GREY中国现拥有中美史克、植朴磨坊、索尼、沃尔沃、博士、宝洁、汇丰银行、屈臣氏、资生堂、香港旅游局、统一、蒙牛及腾讯等众多国际性和本土客户。Email: hrsh.shi@grey.com公司网站: send your CV to if you are interested, indicating the job title and location you apply for in the email subject.请将中英文简历e-mail至应聘创意部门的职位,请将作品连同简历一并发给我们)。谢谢!